If you are a regular to this blog you will know that I am a great admirer of Georg Jensen. There really isn’t much that they have produced that I don’t like.
This pitcher is no exception, it sums up Scandinavian design to me. Simple, classic, elegant design for an everyday object. I particularly love the shape of this pitcher, it has a very feminine curvy look. I like the way the body of the pitcher rounds out in the middle and tapers in at the bottom and top.
But for me the best bit is the handle, from the spout to the top of the handle creates a lovely curve and the handle itself is pure elegance, quite large in proportion to the body but it really creates a statement. The pitcher balances beautifully when pouring. A truly stunning piece.
The HK pitcher was designed by Henning Koppel who has produced several pieces for Georg Jensen, including watches and jewellery.
This is not sponsored but you can buy the pitcher HERE