I don’t want you to think that only expensive items will make the cut here on 101 Beautiful Things. Definitely not. This bag from Primark brings joy to my heart. It’s around £10 which is fairly pricey for Primark, but who can fail to be thrilled by the orange pompoms? It shouts summer, long sunny days, picnics and being with friends. It is perfect to complete your outfit, take to the beach or just keep bits and bobs in.
I love Primark. It is a shop that caters for all ages. Yes, it is a budget buy paradise but even if you only go there for socks and pyjamas, you will always find something beautifully designed and well thought out. More than likely you will come out with something you hadn’t planned to buy, but feel you have to have.
Whenever I am passing, and have a spare half hour, I will pop into my local branch and have a browse at what is new. And there is always something new to catch your eye. My advice – if you see something you like, don’t think ‘oh I will buy that next week’ – buy it now! Chances are, if it is popular you can guarantee that it will be gone next time you go in there.
They do bring back some popular items but for some reason the quality isn’t always as good as the first run.
I could go on for ages about how wonderful Primark is. I love watching a Primark haul on YouTube and the Primark challenges where friends go in with £20 to buy and entire outfit for each other with often hilarious results.
I think a lot of high street stores could learn a lesson from Primark, they are innovative, budget friendly, current and generally spot on with what people want. A real winner.
Check out what is new at Primark here